To whom it may concern,

On 22nd January, 55th anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles, we were sharing with you a proposed European Constitution, a new foundation for the European Union. More democratic, more transparent, and more efficient, we believe it can create durable and representative institutions for all EU citizens, regardless of their State of origin.

Following the interest generated by this proposal, we decided that it deserved its own online platform, for ease of access and discussion. This is why, today, we are thrilled to introduce a new website dedicated to this project. Through this platform, you will be able to read about this Constitution, review the full text and specific comments in a clear manner, and get all your questions answered, both on the underlying reasons why we need this Constitution and on the document’s content.

We hope this will contribute to a larger discussion on the future of the European Union and of its institutions, and finally reposition European federalism as a central path for our renewed peace and prosperity.

Best regards,

Louis Drounau

Note: as for the initial publication of this Constitution, and in a spirit of openness and transparency, this message is concurrently sent to all governments, legislatures, political parties thereof, and major media outlets of every single member States and at the European level.

<Why a European Constitution?
Why a European Constitution?

Why do we need a European Constitution when we have treaties? Why should we want further European integration? Read how a Constitution will make us more democratic, more transparent, and better able to promote and protect our principles and values.

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Institutions in Brief

Understand where current institutions fail and get a glimpse of what a new federal European Union would look like under its Constitution. Reformed institutions, clear roles, and regular elections for a more democratic Union for all.

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European Union - Federal Organisation 2 400
Show me what a European Constitution looks like
Read the Constitution

Dive into the European Constitution itself and discover how much we can build in such a short document. Six articles, twelve pages in total for a rock-solid institutional foundation. Detailed comments explain how it document works and highlight the most important underlying ideas and principles.

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Some questions, some answers

Want more information on why we need this Constitution or on the way it will improve our lives and the functioning of the Union? Get most of your questions answered in this clear and detailed Q&A.

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Some questions some answers
Word Cloud
What do you care about?

Choose the topics that you are interested in and see how they are included and promoted in the Constitution. Specific article references are provided, as well as links to extra information in the Q&A.

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We welcome comments, questions and opinions; reach out to us at

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