Discover a
European Constitution

“Nothing is possible without men, nothing lasts without institutions.” − Jean Monnet

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Why a European Constitution?

Why a European Constitution?

Why do we need a European Constitution when we have treaties? Why should we want further European integration? Read how a Constitution will make us more democratic, more transparent, and stronger.

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Institutions in Brief

Get a glimpse of what a new federal European Union would look like under its Constitution. Reformed institutions, clear roles, and improved voting for a more democratic Union.

Institutions in Brief
Show me what a European Constitution looks like!

Show me what a European Constitution looks like!

Dive into the European Constitution and discover how much we can build in such a short document. Six articles, twelve pages in total for a solid foundation. Detailed comments highlight the most important underlying ideas and principles.

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Want more information? Get most of your questions answered in this clear and detailed Q&A.

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Click on the topics that you are interested in and see how they are included and promoted in the Constitution. Specific article references are provided, as well as links to extra information in the Q&A.

Word Cloud Fundamental Rights Elections Parliament Transparency Law Enforcement Law-making Process Voting Age Impeachment Secession Prime Minister President Majority Judgment Amendments Senate Honesty Accession Electoral Calendar Congressional Powers Campaign Finance Entry into Force Due Process Judiciary Responsibilities Cabinet Institutions Central Bank

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